[학술/과학기술성과 - 전문학술지논문게재] 일반공동연구원 이기현 교수-
글쓴이 :
등록일 :
2025-02-12 14:24:04
조회수 :
글쓴이 : 최고관리자
등록일 : 2025-02-12 14:24:04
조회수 : 179회
파일 #1 The carrot and the stick China s wedging against South Korea during the US China competition 표지.png |
파일 #2 The carrot and the stick China s wedging against South Korea during the US China competition.pdf |
이기현. (2024). The carrot and the stick: China's wedging against South Korea during the US-China competition. Australian Journal of International Affairs, 78(5), 722-747.