[알파라비 카자흐국립대학] ХІІІ Central Asian scientific conference was held in KazNU > 미디어


북방 문화 접점 확인과 문화 허브의 구축
HK+국가전략사업단 미디어

[알파라비 카자흐국립대학] ХІІІ Central Asian scientific conference was held in KazNU

글쓴이 : 최고관리자

등록일 : 2024-06-27 11:53:14

조회수 : 880회

링크 #1 https://farabi.university/news/89200?lang=en 클릭수 488회


Within the framework of the 90th anniversary of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and the 30th anniversary of the Department of Korean Studies, the XІІ-th Central Asian Scientific and Practical Conference "The role and prospects of Korean Studies in Central Asia in the era of artificial intelligence" was held.

With the support of the Korea Foundation of the Republic of Korea, an annual conference is held to discuss topical issues of Korean studies in Central Asian countries. At present, Korean studies is developing dynamically in such countries as Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Azerbaijan.


The Chairman of the Board - Rector of KazNU named after Al-Farabi Zhanseit Tuimebaev, Consul General of the Republic of Korea in Almaty Park Naechon, Chairman of the KF Foundation Kim Ki-Hwan, Chairman of the Association of Korean Teachers of Central Asia M.A.Sherikulova and others made welcoming speeches at the opening ceremony of the conference.

Opening the conference, Rector of KazNU Zhanseit Tuimebaev noted that there is close cooperation between Kazakhstan and Korea in the field of science and education, including academic mobility, joint implementation of various scientific projects with Korean universities.


It is worth noting that last week South Korean President Yoon Seok-yeol made a special visit to Kazakhstan. Today the trade turnover between Kazakhstan and Korea has reached 6 billion dollars. In addition, more than 700 joint ventures with South Korean capital operate in the country. Head of State Kasym-Jomart Tokayev noted that "all this is the result of joint efforts."

"In the near future, relations between the two countries in all spheres will undoubtedly flourish. Among them, cooperation in science and education will be fruitful," said Rector of KazNU Zh. Tuimebayev.


The international two-day conference was attended by representatives of universities from South Korea - Incheon, Sanmen, Chonnam, Chonbuk, Erciyes University (Turkey), Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies, Bishkek State University named after K.Karasaev (Kyrgyzstan), Moscow Higher School of Economics from Russia, KazUMOIMYA named after K.Karasayev (Kyrgyzstan). K.Karasaev (Kyrgyzstan), Moscow Higher School of Economics from Russia, KazUMOIMYA named after Abylai-Khan and others. Abylai Khan and others.



After the plenary session, the conference continued its work in three sections, where scholars shared their experiences, talked about the peculiarities of using new artificial intelligence capabilities, information technologies in Korean studies, Korean language teaching, and discussed current issues in Korean studies. At the founding meeting of the conference, the achievements of the Department of Oriental Studies over its 30-year history and opportunities for the development of Korean studies were discussed.



In addition, the event participants voted to choose a venue for the next 2025 conference and a new leader of Korean Studies in Central Asia.  




