박재적Park, Jae Jeok

연세대학교 국제학대학원 국제학과 교수


호주국립대학교 국제정치학박사


국제정치, 국제안보, 동맹정치


(with Wooyeal Paik), "The Quad's Search for Non-Military Roles and China's Strategic Response: Minilateralism, Infrastructure Investment, and Regional Balancing." Journal of Contemporary China, Forthcoming.
(With Erwin Tan), "Asymmetrical security dilemma between North Korea and the US: A reflection and impliactions’” International Area Studies Review, 23(2), 2020.
(With Erwin Tan and Tomohiko Satake), "Security Hedging Strategies of US Allies and Partners in the era of Trump: the ROK, Japan, and Singapore as Case Studies." Korean Journal of Defense Analysis, 32(2), 2020.
(with Mason Richey, Daewon Ohn, and Jangho Kim) "To double down or decouple? North Korea and China as challenges to the U.S.-South Korea alliance." Asian Politics & Policy, 12(1), 2020.
(With 이정훈), 인도 태평양 지역 '해양상황인지' 현황과 '쿼드(Quad) 국가의 기여: 쟁점 및 전망." 국가안보와 전략 20(1), 2020
